In The Doll World™, doll podcast and YouTube channel

From Doll Collector to Instagram Influencer: Cassie Jenkins of Dolls on the Scene

Host: Georgette Taylor

What if you could transform a childhood hobby into a thriving Instagram account, creating a community around the love of doll collecting? Cassie Jenkins, the talent behind Dolls On The Scene, did just that, and she's here to share her journey with us.

Cassie's passion for dolls sparked at a young age, and her enthusiasm only grew with her age, with her family playing a considerable role in fostering this love. She opens up about the pivotal role her mother had in her hobby and how her husband encouraged her to share her passion with the world.  She gives us a peek into her creative process in designing dioramas and selecting dolls, with delightful stories of her daughters' enthusiasm for picking dolls. Cassie believes in the joy of collecting dolls, creating unique pieces, and most importantly, building a supportive community around it.

Juggling content creation and family life can be quite a challenge. Cassie shares insights on how she manages to strike that delicate balance. She encourages us to let go of perfectionism, emphasizing the joy in just 'going for it'. She shares her organizational strategies, and the importance of batching content. 

Cassie's work is not just about sharing her love for dolls, but also about making a difference by supporting Black-owned brands and promoting sustainable shopping.

As we discuss her plans for expanding her show, we also touch on her upcoming venture into YouTube. Join us in this episode for a deep dive into the world of doll collecting, the importance of community, and the joy of connecting with others over shared passions.  Visit Cassie on Instagram@dollsonthescene

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Georgette :

Hello everybody and welcome to In The Dawn World, a show spotlighting the passion and the people of the Dawn community With your host, georgia Taylor, former vice president and co-founder of Big Beautiful Dolls. Join her as she talks to fascinating Dawn artists, customizers, avid collectors, redesigners, authors and all the people in between, as they share their journeys, give us glimpses into their processes and will propel their passion and drive that help to keep the Dawn world moving and shaking. Welcome to the show, hello everybody, and welcome to In The Dawn World. I'm your host, georgia Taylor, and, as always, i'm so excited to bring you an amazing guest to the show, and today is no exception.

Georgette :

We have the talented Cassie Jenkins. She is the creator of the amazing Instagram account called Dolls on the Scene, in which she explores the passion for doll collecting, her dioramas, her unboxing videos and her ever so popular which I absolutely love Twinning Segment, where she showcases herself and her dolls in matching outfits. It is so cool. I just love that and I'm so excited for you to talk about how that came about. But welcome to the show, cassie.

Cassie Jenkins:

Oh, thank you so much for having me. I've really been looking forward to this and I'm excited to talk to you today.

Georgette :

I'm excited to talk to you too. I think you have a really great background the first background and I just really would like you to share a little bit more about yourself, where you come from, and also just tell a little bit about your journey into the world of doll collecting and what sparked your interest in the hobby in general.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yes, absolutely So. California native, born and raised, and I've lived different places all over the US, but currently I am in Los Angeles, so a mother of two girls they're eight and 10 and my wonderful husband who supports my hobby.

Georgette :

That's important always. Yeah, it is, it's so important And.

Cassie Jenkins:

I would say yeah, so I have a corporate job that I do during the day, so work in corporate e-commerce. But when I'm not working, in between my breaks, in between meetings, and in the evenings and weekends, is where I really lean into this doll hobby. So I would say it came about. As a four year old. I have a twin brother and I feel like my grandmother maybe gave us our first dolls and they were like roller skating dolls.

Cassie Jenkins:

He got the kid, i got the Barbie and from then on I was smitten, went through some doll therapy when my parents got divorced, went through some counseling and it was a tough time, but I remember the counselor had a dollhouse and she just let me play and it was just an escape for me and my mom saw that I enjoyed it and she's been such a huge supporter as well, so she kept all of my dolls over the years.

Georgette :

Yeah, right that You know when I went out to college.

Cassie Jenkins:

She kept them and she said, okay, if you ever have girls and she was open maybe if you have a son, maybe he'll be in T2 but she always hoped that in some form or fashion I would come back to dolls, and I sure did So.

Cassie Jenkins:

She had sent them to me. You know, I feel like a few years before the pandemic, when all my girls were younger and I would just do stuff on the side, I would dress them. That was my favorite thing. I studied fashion design and I would just dress them and I would have a style lineup.

Cassie Jenkins:

I'd be up at probably two o'clock in the morning when the kids are asleep and I would just dress them up and take pictures and just send them to my mom and she said you really should. She called it put it online like, do something with it and I was like no, not a photographer, I don't know what to do. Blah, blah, blah, all the excuses. And then it really took a few years for the pandemic, when I had more flexibility, i had taken a pause for my job and doing a little bit of, you know, virtual learning with the girls when they were done.

Cassie Jenkins:

My husband too. He was like well, why don't you just start? I had a regular Instagram just with me family stuff, fashion. But he said why don't you? why don't you start an account? So I finally did. And dolls on the scene. The name came from the idea of I like acting and entertaining. I would say I'm an ambivert, i am an introvert but also an extrovert. So I feel like with the dolls.

Cassie Jenkins:

I've been able to bring out that outgoing side of me, And so I thought, oh, I'll do little stories And I haven't gotten there just yet. But that's the beautiful thing about having this account and a hobby it goes through different iterations, right, So I could do that, that's true, you know.

Cassie Jenkins:

So I'll do little snippets of things. So I started that in April 2020, dolls on the scene account and just little by little, you know, i would show my husband. He's an artist, he's an illustrator, so I would show him things like what does this look like What, how is this laid out, what are the colors? And he would just say it doesn't have to be perfect, just post what you like. He would give me little tips but also say if you like it, post it. That's great.

Cassie Jenkins:

You know, and that was such an encouragement to me You're in current. Your community will grow, thank you. So I really tried not to fix a and I still do. I try not to fix it. It's. It's nice when people like you know like your stuff and give you a heart and give you comments, but I also have to go back. I always have to go back to if I like it, i post it. It's a part of me, and not get too caught up in all the analytics, which is tricky to do.

Cassie Jenkins:

You know you want to see what, what are people making? Yeah, more of that. But I also want to just bring my unapologetic, authentic self as well. So I've kind of stuck with it and really enjoy it. And the funny part about the twinning is Tanya. Miss Tanya from at Grandma gets real. Who's so many in the doll community know-and-love. She started this challenge a couple years ago And so I was doing a little twinning on the side. I would find outfits and things to match. But she started a challenge and that really pushed me. Twinning is winning with grandma hashtag and then I just started like let me do some rills, let me do my personality and the outfits and I kind of haven't stopped from there, Yeah that is so cool.

Georgette :

I love it and I really love the encouragement that your husband gave you, you know, and I think everybody needs that encouragement of not want not just thinking about being perfect, because that stops so many people From being you know, from just doing what it is that they love, and the fact that he said don't worry about it, just do what you love and people and people will follow. You know, people will, will, will just gravitate to what it is that you do. And I think you do that so well and I Kind of. I kind of understand that, because every time I'm always stressing out too About the show what it should be, you know, oh my gosh, you know you're gonna monetize, you're gonna do all of these things and it's just like. You know.

Georgette :

I just love Being able to showcase people like you, you know, who have this talent or this desire to collect and showcase styles, and that's what I love to do. So I'm just gonna keep doing that. So kudos to him for, you know, just giving you that that's such great advice that he that he gave you. So Yeah, so I heard I know you said you incorporate and I know you said you dabble in fashion. So I do know you did say you wanted to be a fashion designer for me, so So. So how did you want to incorporate and, and and why didn't you pursue that, that arena?

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, what a love doll so much, yes, yes, what a great. Ever since I was little, i said I would make You know we didn't always have the resources, but my mom really pushed me to create and so I had a great aunt who was a seamstress and she taught me how to sew when I was 10 and I would do a mix of things. You know, learn how to sew, but also just take a sock and just cut up a sock and make some things.

Cassie Jenkins:

Right and I just thought my dolls would be on a runway with that. So I think as I went through school, got my degree in fashion design, i started to realize I think I like more of, i Appreciate, all sides of fashion, but I think I'll lean more into the business side. But I think I have a good mix of kind of the right brain and left, the analytical and the creative side, so it'll come back. I still feel like it. There's threads of it and some of the things that I do. But yeah, that was my, that was my dream. I thought, yeah, i'm gonna do that. So I've been able to do some still work in fashion and some capacity.

Georgette :

But but yeah, that's good. I'm not the brand. Yeah, that's really good. So how do you, how do you go about selecting your dolls that you add to your collection? Is there, you know? is it like oh, i just find something. I'm like, oh, i like that. Or do you go out specifically thinking I'm gonna look for this?

Cassie Jenkins:

Yes, you know, i tried it. It's tricky to. The struggle is real in terms of like sustainability It's. It's such a tricky dance. So I do a mix of things. I will do new. I've got some new dolls behind me. You got my mini me, so I will kind of go after. I do like to support Black owned brands, just because I didn't see a lot of that when I was younger, growing up in the 80s and 90s. So I support, i support those brands and want to support more as well. So if anyone's watching like holler at me, i want to make sure that I can support your brand. But so that's a mix and then also just could be like some of the Barbie signature dolls That are kind of the historical figures that are right, important, and then the with the Barbie movie coming out.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yes, I have to be intentional for me. Okay, everyone can kind of do their own thing, that I'm not buying Everything, but maybe just the things that speak to me, whether it's like I really like that pink and white gingham dress, i could see myself using that in other you know, with other dolls. So I think it's a good mix of the women owned, black owned brands Also.

Cassie Jenkins:

Just a lot of the fashion. I feel like I'm often drawn to the fashion before The actual doll. I'm seeing a lot more like natural hair, you know dolls. So I would say I like to diversify my collection So I've got lots of different. You know dolls and skin tone and hair types. So I think it's just if they just have a certain essence. Yeah, my husband also will text me. He'll tell me about a collection coming out What do you think about this doll? And? and I'll go back and forth with him sometimes.

Georgette :

What do?

Cassie Jenkins:

you think I want to. I won't always say that I stick to a budget. I'll be honest.

Georgette :

What doll collect? the judge come on Exactly.

Cassie Jenkins:

It doesn't work that way. You like what you like, you like what you like. So I try to. I try to do. I do that with my own clothes. Okay, if I'm, if I'm bringing some things in, i might need to let some things go. Yeah, some things go, so I would say I'm kind of open and fluid in some ways in terms of kind of what I'm, i gravitate to Okay, okay, very cool, do you?

Georgette :

I do you? let your daughters help you pick, pick out dolls? I do they have fun, they have fun.

Cassie Jenkins:

So for example, like the Ili forever Disney dolls.

Georgette :

That came out a few months back.

Cassie Jenkins:

I let them because I was careful. I said, okay, i'm tempted to get all of them, but I don't want to do that. So I asked the girls which ones do you like? and then one of big sis was in one of the Rills with me with one of the dolls. So then they have the and they tell me. I said, well, tell me something specific that you like, because it just helps them with their articulation. I'm like her curly hair. Oh, mommy, look at this denim jacket with the flowers. And so I like to hear their taste.

Georgette :

Come, come out you know, so cool, i love it, that's great. Yeah, i'm a boy, i'm a boy mom, so you know I got two boys and they weren't not too much into dolls or anything More like graphic arts, that kind of stuff, you know. So I have to live vicariously through everybody else lays with dolls. So when you, when you started creating, did you, when you first started doing your show, were you creating dioramas then? or was diorama something that was introduced later? and I guess I want to know is like what is the process for you designing that, designing dioramas?

Cassie Jenkins:

I love. Your questions are so thoughtful. So no, i wasn't, but I always liked the idea and was always drawn to dioramas, if I would go to Oh, wow, yeah.

Cassie Jenkins:

Even kids doing projects in school. I don't think I ever had a project in school, but my sister she's just a couple years younger than me She had a diorama project and I basically did it for her Because I had so much fun applying the sand and finding leaves and I was like, oh, you could use my little dolls with it. So I always knew in the back of my head, a little intimidated, i'll be honest, i don't know. Do I need to have carpentry skills?

Georgette :

And so I backed away from that. I literally was just going to ask you what was your challenges, that you had creating them too, because I'm sure there probably was some.

Cassie Jenkins:

There were right, So that's not so much in my wheelhouse. So I get back to what skills are kind of in my arsenal that I can lean into and what skills may or may not be something I want to learn in the future.

Cassie Jenkins:

So I don't know that carpentry is one of those things and that's okay. So I could maybe link up with someone who's into it. My mom likes to do things like that, so if I wanted something specific, i could tap into this wonderful community of talented people that we have. So I thought I know how to work at Blue Stick. I know how to cut poster board, cause I used to have to do fashion design, mood boards and things like that. So I started with that and I had lots of knickknacks. My grandma always called them little knickknacks, brick or Brack, little miniature items, and so I like to re-imagine items, like when I go to the thrift store. So that's where the sustainability piece comes from me. So, yes, i buy new things. Yes, i'll buy things that already exist that we keep in the ecosystem, from sellers on marketplaces, right, dolls that are doll houses and things like that. So I started to just see something like a jewelry box and I'm like, oh, that could be a Barbie dresser.

Cassie Jenkins:

So, that taps into something in my brain just like, is so excited and elated when I find those kinds of things. So now my mom looks for things like that. I've got a couple of friends that I, hey, could you use this? And I'll use jewelry that can be kind of miniature things on an like a mantle.

Cassie Jenkins:

So I would say I got into dioramas the more I started to create, so little by little even if I would stay up maybe for a few hours and I'm like, oh, i don't know if I like how this looks, but I would push myself to at least finish. Okay, you painted the refrigerator. What does the other parts of the kitchen look like? And that, to me, it's really fulfilling because it taps into that creative side. So I want to continue to do that. More dioramas and do that even more. And there's even nooks and crannies around the house, even my husband would be like okay, i like your doll stuff but don't put it in my office.

Cassie Jenkins:

You have the doll way, which is the hallway outside of this office.

Georgette :

That is hilarious, the doll way, that's great.

Cassie Jenkins:

I love it So it's like leverage your space. Yes, you can, So I want to continue to learn. There's a few things kind of in my on my bucket list. I want to continue to lean into Okay all right, very cool.

Georgette :

So I know the other part that I do love. I love everything that you do. I really do. But I love the dressing up of the dolls and yourself. Right, i know you said how it's got started, but how do you come up with the ideas, i guess, and also the other fashions? you know that you, if you see something and say, oh, i have that, and I think my doll has a purple outfit, like how does that work? You know, does the doll come first in the new or do you come first in the doll?

Cassie Jenkins:

Yes, I would say it's probably a 70, 30 split. So 70 leaning into what the doll has, oh wow.

Georgette :

So I wouldn't have expected that. I really would have thought that it was like. this is what I'm aware of. Let me see what the doll has That's so interesting. Isn't that a trip? I'm like following the doll.

Cassie Jenkins:

So I'll say, okay, i'm feeling like animal print, okay, what do I have? that's animal print. So I don't know if you saw one. I did. I wrapped my daughter's animal print headband. You know this cute little fabric headband that kids wear. I wrapped that around her. I knew I had an animal print head.

Cassie Jenkins:

So then I said okay, let me see if I have an animal print headband. And then the way I wrapped it, i put it around her head. So then I found an animal print pillowcase at the thrift store, so then I made a funny reel that was like behind the scenes of that.

Georgette :

That's awesome.

Cassie Jenkins:

And then I showed that myself putting a pillow in the pillowcase.

Georgette :

That is awesome. I love the one you had when you were showing like all the little drawers. like you know, every time you wanted something you went into a little box and I was like oh my gosh, she's like so organized right now, like every little box had like all the purses, all the shoes, all the. I was like this is so cool, i love it.

Cassie Jenkins:

I'm a work in progress. I'll be organized one minute and the next minute I'm like where's my? so I do. I do try to get those little drawers of things, but yeah, i have so much fun I do. another thing on my list is to make. I've made a couple of things, but it's been quick things that I've just kind of, you know, hands-on, really quick. but I do want to make some more outfits for Minnie and I that I make with my hands, yeah, that I sell.

Georgette :

That's too cute. I cannot. I cannot with the little Minnie and I. It's so adorable, oh my goodness. So you also do unboxing, so you know, i know that's gained like immense popularity in the dog collecting community. So I guess my thing is what do you find most exciting about that And how do you get the dolls that you unbox? Do you contact other dog artists or just dolls that you particularly buy to? you know to do unboxings and stuff.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, so a couple of brands which has been great this year have. It was my first time getting well now, maybe last year too that a couple of dolls, other ones I'm just purchasing and it's kind of user generated content. It's what I want to share with the community And I like that feeling. I think of what do I like when I watch an unboxing, whether it's on YouTube or all the other platforms, and I like the suspense and the excitement And I like the feeling of joy that I see on the like right, the content creator, as they're opening. I'm waiting and I'm like what are you know? and I know a lot of creators or some are starting to do more ASMR. My daughters like to do like the little nail tapping and things like that.

Cassie Jenkins:

So I'm always thinking about what am I excited about, what can I show and share And so I do I have some dolls just that I've purchased or my husband purchased as a gift, even for my birthday a couple of months ago that I'm still or last month, but I'm still waiting And I was like I want to open it. But then another truth moment You bring out, do you bring out the truth of people? huh, i would say, is the being careful not to be a perfectionist. And so it's this back and forth of just do it, but then also I also want to continue to put quality content out there, because that's who I am, so I have to. Sometimes it's a fine line between waiting too long to post something because you want it to just be right, and then also the times where I've just done something real quick, where I don't have any makeup on.

Georgette :

I'm just wearing a hoodie That gets those right.

Cassie Jenkins:

That resonates with people too Cause she looks like she just woke up and it's like, yeah, i did and like just went for it because I had it. So I'm I think that's something that I want to continue to work on is being you, you know, but also growing. You've been having that in a box for like a few months Go ahead like show the world, and if you're not ready yet, that's okay but don't let it be, because you're trying to make it, you know just perfect.

Georgette :

So I do, I do go back.

Cassie Jenkins:

I've got my husband's, Sterling's voice in my mind. It's just like just put it out there, go for it.

Georgette :

So just do it, just be you. And I think that's really cool about, like you were saying, that sometimes you know you're made up, sometimes you just have a hoodie on your life. Because I think a lot of times when, when we do show up like that, it allows other people to say, well, i can show up like that Again, taking that away from like, oh my gosh, always have to look this way or always have to be this way. No, you just that's just another facet of you, you know.

Georgette :

So it allows other people to say, well, you know what, that's who I am, and I want to show that you know, So I think that's a great opportunity, you know, to be able to share that with other people so that they can see, yeah, you know, it's just about being you And it's just, and all the things that happen are just other facets of who you are.

Georgette :

So it's all pretty cool. So I know you're a mom, you have a retail job I mean your corporate job, you do all of these things. So how do you balance your time between you know, doll, collecting, creating content and other aspects of your life? Because I think a lot of times when people see these things, they think, oh, it just happens. It doesn't just happen. It's a lot of preparation for that, And so, yeah, just share with us how do you balance that, And maybe, if you have some tips on how you do that, that'd be helpful. Yes, it's a struggle.

Georgette :

It really is a struggle.

Cassie Jenkins:

So what The struggle is real.

Georgette :

That's the theme, huh.

Cassie Jenkins:

So what I'm working on doing is I just got an iPad because I was doing a lot of stuff on my just on my phone, ok, and sometimes stuff on my laptop And then my sister-in-law, who creates content, was like you need an iPad, i can't believe you're doing all these things. And I just kept. I had one back in the day And then I was like no, i'm OK. The kids kind of they took it and started using it And so I said OK, i want to start fresh. And so I've just started creating a content calendar, which has just been great. So it's kind of a brain dump of ideas.

Cassie Jenkins:

Maybe there's music that comes to mind, because it will take me a long time. Sometimes I can edit pretty quickly, but the music I want to have the right sound. So I just started putting my ideas there. I also started adding It's just something I do on Google Docs so that I can use it on my phone. I can also use it on my laptop if I want, and then I also have maybe there's community events. There's some great folks in the doc community that keep calendars for us of the upcoming events. So I'm like, OK, and I can't participate. I want to participate in everything. I just don't always have the time. So I try to think about OK, what can I do?

Cassie Jenkins:

That hashtag is coming up but that event is coming up, and so I tried to batch content on the weekends or in the evenings. So what that means is just maybe I've gotten an idea for two reels and two photo shoots. I can do them. in one day I might change my clothes, my jewelry, my hair so that it looks like I did it different times. I did that a couple of weeks with some reels and it was so much fun. And the girls are like why are you changing? And I said I wanted to look like it's a different day. So they laugh. They said, oh, i've been. a lot of people will do that. And then sometimes, maybe I don't, maybe it's the same thing I have on. that's OK too. So I started to do that because I will save a lot of sounds or ideas in Instagram and then they get lost. I'm not doing anything with them.

Cassie Jenkins:

So for me, and sometimes I just go old school analog I also have a little notebook that I'll just write ideas in, but at least with digital, I can copy and paste things over as I see them in real time.

Georgette :

It makes it easier, it really does.

Cassie Jenkins:

So that's what I'm doing, And then just have those boundaries whenever Another true serum moment, Another my daughter, you know, a couple weeks ago was like you know, you're on your phone, you know. Oh yeah, kids will tell you that They will.

Georgette :

And then there's that oh my gosh, That's so harsh, That's it okay.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, And then we just played outside, took a walk, So I want to make they know I love that they see mommy doing something that she really enjoys. I also want to see them seeing mommy have boundaries.

Georgette :

Yes, exactly Yes, and so, okay, i'll do this for an hour and then we're going to play.

Cassie Jenkins:

So but I do, i do enjoy it, and it's a good reprieve from the things that I do day to day, whether I'm, like, steeped in Excel spreadsheets, it's a nice way for me at the end of the day, when I shut down. I do reels like that sometimes. Okay, i'm shutting down and I'm making time to play, so I think it's an ongoing balance.

Georgette :

Yeah, it is, and then you're balancing, especially, you know, when you're a parent I'm not just going to say mom, because I mean dads are, you know, parents too, we know that But when you're a parent and you are doing things that you really like, sometimes times can get away from you, and so you know, i mean it is. I think it's important though, and I think that's pretty cool, that you know that your child says hey, what about me? Or hey, you're spending too much time, because sometimes we don't realize that that happens, and kudos for her for saying that to you, because you know it just allows you then to stop and think, oh, okay, i need to spend more time here.

Georgette :

It's great for me to do what it is that I do, but they need that time as well. So I think that's pretty neat, But yeah you're definitely so. You did say you use a content calendar. I do.

Cassie Jenkins:

So that's really helpful, okay so, so that's really helpful. Content calendar I would say batching. Maybe if I know I have a busy week coming up where I'm traveling for my job, i can do some things ahead of time. Maybe I'm doing, you know, a carousel of images, okay, and I'm gonna do a video, but I wanna do behind the scenes, so I at least have in mind how do I also wanna link up, when I'm putting on my feed, to my stories, cause I have a lot of fun in the stories too. So people I like to take, i like to take people along with me kind of behind the scenes or even like funny moments. Maybe my doll fell while I was filming, so that kind of brings that human Yeah.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, that's true, it's fun to show too.

Georgette :

So what's been the most unexpected thing or surprising, i guess, thing about being a doll collector and content creator that surprised you? Because sometimes you know you're not in the doll space. You know, when you go into the doll space, i think of a lot of things that you think, oh, it's this way. And then when you get into it you're like, oh, it's not that way, this is something totally different, like you know. Or you don't think, oh, i'm just gonna do this little video. And then all of a sudden it's like everybody is watching it, like, so what surprised you and was unexpected about being a doll collector and a content?

Cassie Jenkins:

creator. Yes, i think the building of the community and what collectors, content creators can relate to, that's been fun. Like the goofiest things I've kind of put out there have sometimes resonated the most. And so I just say you know what? I'm just gonna be me and put it out there. And I love the comments when people are kind of sharing like I can relate, or a funny story And even sometimes some of the touching moments if someone shares like oh, maybe one of my parents or someone in my life gave all my dolls away because they said I was getting too old to play with them, you know so things like that.

Cassie Jenkins:

So I do remember real quick in high school I was probably yeah, 17. And I had my vintage Barbie Dream House, that A-frame house, the orange and yellow one in the garage And I would just play. That would be my quiet corner and I would play. And my mom's boyfriend at the time was over at the house and I heard him say isn't she too old? It's time to give those dolls away, she's too old to play. And my mom I couldn't see her, but I could imagine like her neck was rolling as she talked to him And she said my daughter loves that Like leave her alone. That's her thing. We all should have something that we enjoy doing Yeah, that's the truth And I love.

Cassie Jenkins:

I was like I love my mom for that, so I knew when I went off to college I was like she's gonna keep my dolls in good care, and she sure did for me. So, building up the community, sparking joy, i think that's. I like to do that really wherever I go is just to make someone stay a little bit brighter, and I can do that through twinning or relatable video or something silly. You know, i'm happy to do that.

Georgette :

That's pretty cool. Yeah, i mean, i really do just love your show. I think it's just so. It's like. You know what it's like. This is funny. It's like a doll variety show.

Cassie Jenkins:

It's like you know, because you have so many different little elements that bring everything together.

Georgette :

You know, it's just not one thing. It's just not like oh, I'm just doing unboxing videos or I'm just doing a dive. There's so many things happening within that, within what you do, So I do love that.

Cassie Jenkins:


Georgette :

So let me ask you during the doll community, have you been to doll shows and have you connected with other doll people in the community and collaborated with them in any way?

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, so that's been great too. So I work from home And so there's a lot of benefits to it, especially being a parent, the flexibility. but it can be isolating at times too, where I literally am just talking to the dolls, like in my room. So what I appreciate is the people.

Georgette :

Cassie and her dolls. Right Cassie and her dolls.

Cassie Jenkins:

I get nervous if they talk back, but they don't. But so a few people in the community reached out to me over the past couple of years like let's meet up. They're here in Southern California, so I've been able to if it's going out to lunch or doing a photo shoot, and that's been another. That's actually been a surprise. To answer your earlier question, that in-person community too, right, there's a virtual, but then there's also that. Yes, that is wonderful, and then I look forward to seeing them, like at Sherry's Doll Show that's in Orange County a few times a year. That's coming up this month, so that's a great way. I did go to the Barbie convention. No, that's happening right now in Florida. I did not going this year, had some other commitments, but went last year in Chicago and hope to go next year. I believe it's gonna be in Palm Springs, so that's, it's like a reunion.

Cassie Jenkins:

When you see people you know, it's just like the hugs and the laughter and the lightness Oh, what are you? what are you here for? Are you looking for a particular product? And so there's that, the building of community, which I think is so important, especially coming out of the pandemic.

Georgette :

Yeah, i remember when I had to go to New York. My mom wasn't feeling too good. She has passed away since then, but I had to go to New York to help take care of her And I got an opportunity to meet Mel Oda. I mean, i had been wanting to meet him forever, you know, being in the doll community, and since he had been on the show we have been contacting back and forth And I knew he lived in the city And I was like and I'm thinking myself, oh my gosh, can I say hey, can I? you know, can we meet up? you know, and he was so nice, i mean, he was like sure we had lunch together. You know, i got to meet, i think, mike Beuse, i think he does Fabiola And again, like you were saying, just being in a doll community and getting to meet those people that create these dolls or are in that space, i think it's just so, it's so fulfilling.

Georgette :

It's kind of like you know you have something in common. You want to connect with somebody that understands what you're, you know what you're, what you're about, you know, so. So that's great. I'm glad you got an opportunity to do that and that you do go to Expose and shows, because I'm sure that that helps you in creating other things when you come back home as well. It does it does.

Cassie Jenkins:

It's kind of like oh, look what I got you know, and it's kind of a way to take people along with you.

Georgette :

Yeah, yeah, that's true, so that's a fun way.

Cassie Jenkins:

That connection, yeah, that's true, so yeah great to know.

Georgette :

So what do you plan on like? how are you planning on expanding your show? I really like to know a little bit more about what you plan on doing. I love that you call it Yes.

Cassie Jenkins:

I love that you call it a show, because it feels like that You're right, like different elements. I really that resonates. So I would like to. I'm gonna put it from, i'll put it out there. I would like to and I've started before and I haven't finished creating it, but I would like to do YouTube. I literally was just talking to someone yesterday about it. I think I need to figure out the time and how I can do that but, i, really would like to connect in that way, i feel like, okay, i've got the creation down.

Cassie Jenkins:

I used to have a YouTube channel before for fashion. Okay, so at some point I would like to kind of push the button on that, and even you reaching out to me and I was watching some of your shows, i'll take a pause real quick and tell you too, the joy that and the love that you have is palpable, and I really enjoy your show watching and listening.

Cassie Jenkins:

I'll talk to you, i'll play it while I'm working, and so that's encouraging that you're walking in. You said, hey, that's something I like to do. Let me go ahead and express myself in that way So that, even seeing that, that's an encouragement and motivation for me. So I would say that's the next piece of what I would like to do, and continue to create content for various dolls.

Cassie Jenkins:

As I mentioned, i do appreciate the people of color and it's wonderful to see dolls who look like you, but I'm also open to all the different dolls and all the varieties that they come in. So many options. I want to continue to learn more and support So yeah.

Georgette :

That's so cool. Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate that.

Cassie Jenkins:

It's a beautiful conversation.

Georgette :

I really do love what I do And it's so funny And I mean, like everybody we do, we have all different facets of our business And I do a lot of other different things And everybody will say to me so what are you going to do with that doll show Like, what are you going to do? You know, because they and I'm like, well, we're going to keep going.

Georgette :

I don't think there's still so many people to talk to and so many opportunities to share your stories with other people. And that's what I love about it, because I think people don't. When I say I have a doll show, they're like, oh but. And when I say, hey, you need to need to see this show, you need to see this person, you need to find out about what they, they're just surprised at the, the vastness of the doll community and the people who are in there.

Georgette :

You know, and and I'm so happy that you're part of that, you know I'm so happy I get to see your shows and your, just your beautiful light that you, that you know, that you share with everybody, and the happiness that you bring because, because you're happy doing what it is that you do, and so I'm going to thank you for that too. Because you are, you have a great. I love, i just really I love watching you, i love your show And I just love what you bring to the table in the doll community. So thank you for that.

Cassie Jenkins:

Appreciate that, appreciate that. Yes, i'm so glad there was a time where I did feel like, oh, that's just for kids, i don't want to do it. And then my mom, every every so many years, she would say I still have your dolls, i still have your stuff, i'm waiting for you.

Georgette :

So yes, Yeah, she kept them for 20 years, right? So yeah, i was reading the body and I was like wow, that's a long time, i mean, and the fact that she gave them back to you and that you had opportunity to just live that all over again you know, and that's what you expressed with us, so that's so cool.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yes, absolutely, i love it. I absolutely love it.

Georgette :

So I you're going to be expanding, you want to go to YouTube. That is wonderful. Do you think that you're going to put another element into your show Or you're just going to leave it like where it's at? we're just the di-Ramas and you know the twinning and the flesh.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, I'm still kind of thinking through that. I think it would be nice to have another layer, And I was on TikTok a couple of years ago, then I got off and then I got back on and that's, that's slow moving, but that's okay. So I am trying to figure out. should I have something slightly different for each?

Georgette :

thing, Oh yeah.

Cassie Jenkins:

Or do I have some of the same? I like that kind of through line of the joy and happiness and then elements of the twinning. So I need to brainstorm some more about that. I would like to do like little mini episodes or something, but again balance, balance time, so maybe not right now. Right, so I need to prioritize. So maybe it is kind of repurposing what I have And then yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Georgette :

I think so too, because I think once you get on the YouTube community I mean whatever you have there's people in YouTube community and they don't know, don't know about you either So you can always repurpose what you do. You know what I mean.

Cassie Jenkins:

Just to get people interested.

Georgette :

You know. So yeah, and then kind of be bald Yeah for sure.

Cassie Jenkins:

Thanks for that. I like that tip.

Georgette :

Oh you're so welcome, You're so welcome, So I'm going to show my question. I know this is kind of like saying like who's your favorite child? Because we know they're all favorites, right So. but what, which element do you like best? or you know, out of all the elements that you do within your show, Is there one that stands out more, you have more fun with, or they're all kind of equal.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yeah, i think the twinning would have to be one of the highlights, because it's just fun.

Cassie Jenkins:

And it's silly, like if I sometimes I'll repost on my other account where I have, like you know, friends from college, a couple co-workers, like family, all that, and they're like girl like it, but it makes them laugh, like this is so silly. But then they'll send me articles and things about Barbie. Some people have sent me dolls or maybe childhood things that they played with, so, so cool. I think there's a delight And that's probably why I think the movie is probably going to the upcoming Barbie movies going to do so well, there's nostalgia attached to it whether you played with Barbies, were into them or not, right.

Cassie Jenkins:

There's that you knew someone who was exactly. Saw them in the story and toys are us and KB stores and all the other places.

Georgette :

So you know, even in, even a lot of times I'm sorry, i mean even a lot of times when you couldn't afford a Barbie and you had a dollar was still a Barbie for you. So they still have that reference. You know that still, that desire to just want to see that you know.

Cassie Jenkins:

it's so true. People will call all fashion dolls Right. Facial tissue they'll call clean it.

Georgette :


Cassie Jenkins:

Exactly, that is so true. That's true, i would have to say the twinning. And the second to that would be when my family come, like when I incorporate them into the videos.

Georgette :

It's you know, yeah, yeah, i love that. Well thank you. Well, thank you so much, Cassie, for, you know, just spending time with it, with me on In the Doll World. It's been wonderful to meet you. It's just been wonderful to find out about your journey and to see when you're going with the you know dolls on the scene. I think you doing great, Doing beautiful work And again I just want to thank you for being in the documentary sharing that with us.

Cassie Jenkins:

Yes, thank you so much And for your show and highlighting so many wonderful people in the community Really appreciate it, thank, you, you're so welcome.

Georgette :

Okay, thank you, you have a beautiful day. Thank you everybody for joining me in the Doll World. I'm so excited that you joined me today. Thank you again, cassie, for being on In the Doll World with me, and if anybody wants to check us out, you can just go to our website in the doll worldcom. Also, please leave a review there, because it really helps us. It really helps to show and helps other people who are visiting the site to see that listeners are really enjoying what we do and the people that we interview. So you just go to In the Doll World, click on reviews and leave a review for In the Doll World. Thank you, guys. Again so much for being with us. I will see you guys next week. Thank you, cassie. Bye, thank you, you're welcome.

Georgette :

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